Has anyone done both the clock tour and the Secret passage tour? I have the Secret passage booked at 11:35 and while I was booking it, the clock tour appears to have sold out at 10 AM and is only available at 11 AM and 1 PM. Someone said the clock tour is only 15 minutes long, but I cannot find that in writing anywhere. Any help?
Are you talking about the Secret Itineraries Tour of the Doges Palace? If so, it is a fabulous tour! We really really enjoyed it. After the Secret Itineraries Tour is completed then you are free to walk through the rest of the Doges Palace on your own.
It is about 30-45 mins long for the clock tower tour
check out this link it tells about it.
you need to arrive at Doges Palace for your tour 15 minutes prior to it beginning and there are lines at museum so you wouldn't be able to make both with these times. The secret itineraries tour is about 2 hours and with the clock tower depending upon the climbing speed and ages of your fellow tour group it is more like 30-35 minute visit. How about doing the tower the day before or day after as some days have different times.
hope this helps, Kim
clocktower visit in English days and times:
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday: 10 am and 11 am; Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday: 1pm, 2pm, 3pm and 5pm
museum official website for booking clocktower: