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Venice cell phone

We will be in Venice in Sept. and would like to purchase two cell phones / SIM cards to use in Italy. Any suggestions on where to find a cheap phone in Venice? Thanks!

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32404 posts

Bob, You shouldn't have any problem finding a Cell phone shop, as they're usually somewhat ubiquitous. The main networks are TIM, Vodaphone, Wind and 3 but there a a bunch of MVNO's as well (MVNO's don't actually operate a cell network, but purchase time from companies which do). Some of the MVNO's are Coop Voce, Poste Mobile, Conad & BT Mobile. I've always had good service with TIM, so that's the one I'd suggest. In the past, I've heard rumours that a Codice Fiscale was necessary to buy a Cell phone, or that the purchaser would need to show a Passport or other I.D. (may only apply to monthly contract plans?). However, the rules seem to change from time-to-time. You could also consider buying a travel phone here before the trip. That way you'd have working phones as soon as you step off the plane. If you need the names of travel phone firms, post another note. Happy travels!

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18 posts

Bob, I have Verizon as my carrier and we rented phones before we left. It cost $0.17 a day for the phone then $0.99 a minute. Outgoing texts were $0.05 and incoming were $0.50 (or vice versa, can't remember). I was traveling with my two teenagers and wanted a couple of phones in case we got separated. Turns out we only carried one with us after all, but it was good that we had two because sometimes the battery didn't last as long as it should (need to talk to Verizon about that), so it was nice to have a second fully charged phone. We mostly called back to the states to talk to my husband, and used it just once to make a call within the country. Funny that not too long ago people traveled without a cell phone! Wonder how they managed :) Good luck.

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415 posts

If you decide to buy sim cards in Italy, you will need to have your passport with you (it's the law now). I had good success with WIND and TIM - both activated the cards for me before I left the store and they were up and running within 30 minutes.

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11294 posts

Ken's statement that cell phone shops are ubiquitous is usually true. But in Venice, they weren't. I had to go to the Rialto area (I believe it was Campo San Lio) to find the store selling SIM cards; I don't remember, but I think they also sold phones. Various other stores (mostly tabacchi) around town sold refill cards, but not SIM cards, and certainly not phones. I had to bring my passport and a codice fiscale; the latter is explained at the bottom of this page: Then, as Shirley said, it took less than an hour for my account to be activated. I then used one of Wind's special offers (to get cheaper calls to other countries, including the US), and this took another hour or two. No further problems. I even learned the Wind system well enough to help a Polish woman add credit to her account, and I don't speak Polish (and she didn't speak much English or Italian).