Need some advice on proposed plan. We arrive on Dec 24 at 1pm at Marco Polo and will be going to Verona for two nights, possibly Ferrara for one night staying the night of the 26 th, and then on to Venice arriving the night of the 27th and flying out Jan 2 from Venice.
In addition to seeing Verona (24 -25), we are planning to stop in Ferrara and Ravenna (26 to 27) before heading to Venice. (28,29,30 - full days there). Plan to take a day trip to Padua on the 31st, and possibly Bassano Del Grappa and Treviso on the 1st. Fly out midday on the 2nd.
I enjoy driving in Italy = Naples, Amalfi, Tuscany, southern Italy so far, but also enjoy mass transit when it’s easy, and certainly a good grappa/cappuccino combination before art/lunch.
So am I missing any must sees in this plan? Also too ambitious or not? A better plan? Train or car? We do want to see Venice before it sinks and we know Winter is coming! Verona and Padua seem like must sees. (As does Ravenna simply for the mosaics (but we could come back for that)).
I had heard that Parma and Modena are not to be missed, but they seem out of the way without a car. I would love to see Vicenza on the way to Verona, but it seems like jet lag might get in the way.
Also we would be interested in any evening music events - any idea where to look for information on those?