We'll be in Venice for the Biennale next week - we have been thinking that Rome for a couple days would be great as well but are wondering if we're trying to pack too much into 8 days (9 nights) on the ground? If we try for Rome, any suggestions for contemporary art and design in Rome? Oh and Boutique hotels? Also any updates or recommendations on the Biennale in general?
If you are restricting yourselves to two cities, Venice and Rome, in 9 nights, you will be fine. Adding a 3rd location in there might make for "packing in too much" except for daytrips. I'd suggest 4 nights in one, 5 in the other. Rome needs more than "a couple of days" in my opinion. Hotels may be tough this late. Try www.cross-pollinate.com for some unique options, as well as VRBO.com, Verere.com. We like Palazzo Olivia FWIW, but hard to say about availability this late. The MAXXI is a famous contemporary art museum in Rome. Just read about it here a few weeks ago http://www.revealedrome.com/2011/04/michelangelo-pistoletto-maxxi-contemporary-art-museum-rome.html#more.