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Posted by
9365 posts

Getting lost. Seriously. Wandering about Venice is an adventure.

If discovery isn’t your travel style then buy and read the RS guidebook to define an itinerary based on your interests.

Posted by
62 posts

st marks, dogge palace, San Pantalon, santa have tons and tons you can see. i was just there in april and im going back in november. so much to see and enjoy. if you dont have one buy a book on italy from Rick Steves. it will highlight all the must see items in venice. also, like others have said.....ditch map, get lost and enjoy :P

also take a boat ride to see burano, murano and torcello. you wont regret it.

Posted by
1309 posts

If you only have two days, I would suggest not doing Murano, Burano and Torcello. That would eat up about 2/3 of a day.

Posted by
585 posts

With only two days, stick with the main event and do not get sidetracked by Murano, Burano etc.
Dorsoduro and the Guggenheim are always on my list. Wandering aimlessly is the best way to enjoy this place other than connecting the dots with Vaporetto rides.

Posted by
16842 posts

Your previous post about the same subject:

Unless your situation has changed, you left some pretty important background info out of the 6/15 post above; it might make a BIG difference what others might recommend or not:

We will be in Venice 2 full days, and are group consists of 11 adults
and 2 very young children (a 2 yr. old and an 8 mo. old).

Are you still planning on this group doing everything together?

Posted by
3177 posts

Look at Rick’s video, old but Venice is older. Skip the gondola ride. You’ll walk everywhere or take the vaporetto.

Have you read the RS Venice guide book? It’s a good starting point sor sightseeing ideas.

I’ve been to Venice twice and plan to go back next year. There are lots of things I haven’t seen. It’s my happy spot.