I just booked 2:00 reservations and was e-mailed a confirmation for 18:46
is this 6:46? You cannot undo reservations so I'd like some input before I have to start over .Iris
Europe often uses the 24 hour clock to avoid confusion over times. 13:00 is 1 pm, etc. So, yes, 18:46 is 6:46 pm. That's such an odd time, though, it makes me wonder if your reservations for the museum are actually for that time.
It is possible to change a reservation date or time: # Q. Is it possible to change the date and time of the reservation?
A. It is possible to make the change by having the reservation code, the email and the date of birth of the person concerned. Therefore, click onto "Change of Reservation - Date and Time" in the menu on the left and follow the instructions. Donna