Just a quick question about reserving tickets for the Vatican Museums in June. When I look on their website: https://tickets.museivaticani.va/home/visit/2/1654750800000/1/ the normal admission tickets say that "the visit is not currently bookable for the selected date". However, I can book everything else like the Prime experience and the Prime VIP experience, extra sistine chapel time tickets and all the group tours. Is this because I am looking to far out? Does anyone have any insight on this? Thanks
We booked through Eyes of Rome. Hired a private guide and it was wonderful. We did a very early tour and saw everything on our time frame and at our pace. Consider hiring a private guide, let them get the tickets, and create a valuable experience for you. It's not that much more but how often do you get to see and be in the Vatican? The tour companies get dibs on everything in my opinion.
It appears that the date you selected according to your link extends beyond the up to 60 days in advance purchase availability. Currently bookings are open through the end of April. Try again around April 9, 10, and 11.
See also the link below from this website.