Is the walking tour of the Vatican Gardens worth it? Thank you.
Is the walking tour of the Vatican Gardens worth it? Thank you.
We did it as part of a bigger day which included Castel Gandolfo. Info here http://www.museivaticani.va/content/museivaticani/en/visita-i-musei/scegli-la-visita/ville-pontificie-e-giardini/ville-pontificie-di-castel-gandolfo.html.
I really enjoyed walking through the uncrowned gardens on a sunny October day. These are not gardens with massive flower displays, but rather a serene park with statues, fountains, and historic buildings. You get a personal audio device and earbuds to use while being shepherded around. You cannot wander off.
Going in the height of summer might not be so great due to heat.
We did this a couple of weeks ago. The gardens were nice to walk through, but the commentary by the guide was not as interesting as we hoped and it kind of dragged on. One guy asked if he could leave early (not allowed). We did get some great pictures of St. Peter's that made it worth it to us, so you would have to judge for yourself.