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Vatican City: How to see it without outrageous lines?

Hi, My friend and I are college students who would rather not pay for expensive tours so that we can bypass the lines for the Vatican. Our plans are to first tour St. Peters, then climb the dome, and then tour the Vatican Museum. If we get to St. Peters when it opens at 7:00, should would avoid a long wait? Also, what would be the best time to get to the Vatican Museum?
Thank for any responses,

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1127 posts

The dome doesn't open until 8a, so allow yourself some time to sleep in. Visit the Museum in the afternoon, arriving about 1:30 and there should be little to no line. There is no need to pay for a tour to avoid the lines. They can easily be avoided by arriving at the right time.

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62 posts

Hi Borden, We arrived at St. Peter's around 7:15 a.m., and it was amazingly quiet with very few people in the square or basilica. Having been to St. Peter's several times before, it was a nice change having the place all to ourselves. We climbed the cupola as soon as it opened at 8 a.m -- and there was only one other tourist on the rooftop of St. Peter's. It was well worth getting up a bit early. By the time we got to the Vatican museum, however, there was a huge long early morning line. If possible, you might return to the Vatican museum later in the afternoon around 3 p.m., when the wait and crowds are generally less.

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27 posts

Try going to the Vatican on Wednesday morning around 10am, when the Pope is giving his public audience in St. Peters square. I did this and walked straight through security, to the ticket counter and into the museum. Everyone else was at St. Peters! Conversely, avoid St. Peters on Wednesday morning, same reason!

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34 posts

Lines at the Vatican Museum are insane. The previous post suggested going around 1:30 (Italian lunch time) and that worked pretty well for us. In fact, we had a leisurely lunch at a restaurant in view of the line and could see it dwindle from 12:00-1:30. Be prepared for a crush of humanity inside though - the Sistine Chapel was still chock full even though we walked right into the museum. And the fact that everyone is looking up can make it a dangerous experience!

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6 posts

I have read where many people suggest getting there during when the pope speaks on Wednesday, but I'm pretty sure that would be impossible for me. I get into Rome at 9:15 am. I will not be checking in luggage, so how long would it probably take for me to get out of the airport? (I do realize it would be impossible to get to the Vatican museum on time, but it's just out of curiosity for the other museums.)

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381 posts

We read Rick Steve's guide and it suggested to go to the vatican museum in late afternoon. We did that at 3 pm and just walked in without lines.

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1589 posts

Borden, there are currently 359 entries in the search function regarding various Vatican issues. Read and learn, young Grasshopper. Have a great trip!