My partner and I were thinking of hiring a private tour guide for Vatican City and the Vatican Museums, one of the guides recommend in Rick Steves' books.
This is our first time visiting Rome so we figured that this expense would be worth it for us to fully experience these museums. While visiting the Vatican website, I noticed they also have a tour. I just wondered whether anyone had done that and what they thought of it. We want to buy in advance and skip the line.
We're arriving on Rome on a Thursday (late) and leaving the following Friday. So we were thinking of doing Vatican City and its museums on the Tuesday or Wednesday. I presume Saturday would be super crowded and Friday well... it's our first day in Rome so I don't want to start with the Vatican.
Do you recommend a private or group tour for anything else? It seems like the Rick Steves' guide might be enough for the Colloseum and Forum?
Also, given that Saturday and Sunday are busy days for everything (except for the Vatican which I know is only open on that first Sunday and free), are there things you'd recommend to go to on the weekend that might be a little less crowded?
By the way, we're traveling in late February so not prime season.
Appreciate any advice.