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Varenna - Villa Elena

How does one book? RS only gives a phone number. Do any agencies handle this. Any comments about accommodation/experiences/dining in Varenna or the Lake Como area would be appreciated.

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3551 posts

I stay at Albergo Olivedo or Villa Cipressi (ask for lake view)in Varenna they use internet for booking.
I agree I prefer not to book over phone also, but the rate is great at Villa Elena. Trust Rick if it is in his guidebk it must be very good. you can get a cheap phone card (international) and call for your reserv.

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1056 posts

If there's no website listed, did you try googling the name of the hotel? I'm staying at Hotel Olivedo in Varenna and was able to look at their website to see the rooms prior to booking. Also was able to book via email. Wouldn't want to try doing everything by phone with just a number in the guidebook, even though RS is usually right on.

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43 posts

Mike - We stayed last month at Hotel Du Lac in Varenna...just google it and you should find info on it. We booked it via email, I think. They were wonderful, but expensive! Fabulous view. Worth every penny! We also ate at Nilus bar, just two minutes from our hotel, on Lake Como and it was good too. Good food, just inches from the water. I will never forget the view looking over to Bellagio. Varenna didn't have a ton of restaurants but we enjoyed the quiet town. Hotel Du Lac in Varenna was marvelous though, if you can afford it I think you will like it!
Tom and Sherry
Steger, IL

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8 posts

Here is the information for Hotel Elena in Varenna:

Signora Seta Vitali
Tel: 39-0341-830575
E-mail: [email protected]

Varenna also has a website:

My husband and son will be in Varenna this Thursday. I booked via e-mail several months ago, which was easy, though her English seemed limited. She requests a confirmation a week before travel. Hope this helps! The lady at the Orange House gave me Signora Vitali's e-mail.