So much of the stuff on the Web is a few years old and even in this forum, I cannot see a recent discussion on this topic. And the Venice ACTV web site has tons of info on buses but not vaporetti that I could find.
* We will be arriving in Venice by train (at S.Lucia) May 16, 2017 and our hotel is near San Marco. I believe we need to buy a 75 minutes pass Biglietto di corsa semplice €7,50 Where do we buy that? Apparently vaporetto #1 is slow ... and #2 is fast but only runs certain months (which months?)
* We will want to go to Burano. I see conflicting info on which vaporetto to take and from which stop. Or whether a 75 minute pass is adequate one way.
Any up to date advice, or a link to a web site with current info, would be appreciated.
Cheers, Peter