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US/Italian Host Gifts - New Spin, Old Disc

8 & 3 years ago, my family from Rome visited me in New England. 2 teens, then their middle-aged aunts. Knowing I would visit for my #th BD, for years I've been pondering what to bring and stock piling expensive gifts I favor. I go to art show yet, I like many, feel most our finds are inferior. I would enjoy some fresh ideas, and will share mine!
It may be biased, and while I agree Regional items are suitable, I'm not on board for chocolates or glass. Most Western chocolate is flavorless, and Murano is our nemesis. (both in the jovial sense). I do recommend a wine; *Merry Edwards Russian River Valley Sauvignon Blanc. 2009 made top lists, - you'll need to check reviews for available year when this is read. However it's "Our" white wine twin (full bodied & smooth) to Brunello. Halloween is becoming more popular, so decorations. They don't have pancake mix and friends in Rome & Southern Italy loved it when gifted. (a little pricey to ship but in luggage may work). Somewhat odd to me, they like characters from the 70-80 smurf/snoopy. Jim Shore items although resin composite, are quality and Americana/Folkish. ( I gifted the wired nativity). Region 2 DVD's of your area or classic films (like a coffee book) are nice too. Some gender free youth gifts; Ultimate Discs (Frisbees .175) w/Patriotic Eagle design. Boston/Red Sox Monopoly. Café Press is good for custom items; I sent apron's w/ NE Patriot (Football) Cheerleader icons. They sent a photo back from Christmas day wearing them which we enjoyed! Holy Bears website. When I return home, I intend on shipping custom printed Thank You mugs; Shutterfly/Walmart etc with a selected trip photo. Stamps, calendars (they don't wrote on theirs) Salt Water Taffy & Cranberry Tea, Elf on the Shelf.
Happy Gifting!

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393 posts

The ladies seemed to like Vera Bradley items (go to their website to purchase the less expensive discontinued patterns.) We bought Pendleton woolen scarves for the men.

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2 posts

Thanks Kathy ! I read it a few days ago on your orig. & looked into it =)