Yesterday I called the telephone number listed in former posts to try and book the underground tour knowing I would be using a Roma Pass for entry to the Colosseum. I was told by the gentleman who answered that I needed to reserve online. Thinking that he either did not understand what I wanted or was misinformed, I called again this morning and was again told to book online and that the price would be 10.50 euros. I went to the website this morning and was able to find the Underground Tour under the date and time I wanted under the section called Gratis-Free-Visita-Sotterranei. I booked, paid for the tickets and received an e-mail confirming the purchase. Just wanted to share my experience with everyone who may be trying to book these tickets also.
At this point, I am not willing to try and waste time and money on calling them again. I will just hope they will still accept the reservation. If not, I guess we will just not do a tour, accept that the money is lost, and chalk it up to a lesson learned.
Unfortunately, the information you were given is incorrect. The free section on the website is for those who qualify for free entry, not those who already have entry tickets, which is what the romapass is. I hope you don't have any problems using this reservation as you are not qualified to receive it. For those using the romapass and calling to book the underground tour, simply tell them you just need to book the tour. Tell them you cant' book it online as you don't have a way to do it. They are able to book it over the phone for you. Donna
I hope it works out for you. Donna
I am confused. Does the ROMA pass cover the underground tour?
No, the pass only covers the entry into the colosseum combo. It does not include any tours. Donna