Like many of you my trips have been postponed/cancelled. Unfortunately this including my wedding which was to be in October of this year between Cortona and Perugia.
The venue of course was non-refundable, as they had never cancelled events in 20 years....yay for pandemics. In fact, technically they can still put it on as it was just a small think but we as Americans are well...that is another topic. Bottom line we aren't welcome.
So, the venue has offered to us a week stay at the villa with a photography session next year in 2021 which is just fine, we want to visit that region. However, the only availability they will provide due to all the weddings being moved to 2021 is November 13-20th. I live in Vermont so I don't mind cold, but how is the weather in that region that time of year? Still pretty, worth visiting? Things open ish? I've googled the temps but curious to hear from folks who have visited this time of year.
I've also got 3 nights in Cortona that I'm trying to get money or time back from hotel but that is another batter. Less money, still frustration. Oh well, as they say $h*t happens.
Thanks and be well.
Link to old post.