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Uffizi Tickets

What is the latest on reserving Uffizi tickets online? There seem to be quite a few websites offering services, but I'm wondering if you can book directly with them yet. If not, who did you book with? Also, are non-European Union children, ages 4 & 5 free for admission?

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48 posts

i found it very difficult when trying to reserve tickets for the uffizi and accademia because when you put in uffizi official site.. it comes up with reservation sites.. Here is the official site to reserve uffizi and accademia!

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606 posts

You might try asking your hotel. My hotelier offered this service free of charge for both the Uffizi and Accademia, as well as others, at no charge. It's worth asking in my opinion; it saved me alot of time and effort.

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2297 posts

I called the reservation line directly by phone as the choices for times and dates for online reservations are much more limited. If you have booked a hotel in the Florence area already they might do this as a service for you. We rented an appartment and so I did the reservation by phone myself. We had to show our kids' European passports when picking up their free tickets (still paid for the reservation fee) at the museum. A lot of the Italian cultural sites and museums receive substantial amounts of funds from the European Union for their preservation efforts. In return, the sites offer reduced/free access to certain groups of European citizens. We also found out that the Canadian government has contributed funds to Pompeii so they do let Canadian children in for free there as well (we forgot the kids' EU passports at the B&B that day and ended up showing our Canadian ID).

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8 posts

I agree to check with your hotel. I reserved our tickets for the Uffizi and other museums via email with our hotel in advance of our arrival. Great peace of mind and no waiting in lines! Last time we were in Florence arrived at 7AM and waited until the Uffizi opened, that was also nice (despite the wait) because we were able to beat the crowds to the most popular exhibits. For a few moments, we stood alone in the room with the Birth of Venus!