Hi! First time to Italy...
We made reservations at the Uffizi at 3:00 pm, is this time set in stone? If we arrive late/early will we be allowed in, or will we have to wait in line- does anyone have any tips? Thanks!
Amanda, it depends. The Uffizi is huge, and entry times can be a little flexible (unlike the Borghese Gallery in Rome). Last July I passed by the Uffizi on my way to the Ponte Vecchio just to look at the line, there was virtually none (about 8 or 9 people), and I got in several hours early. There are two lines: one for people with reservations, and one for walk-ins. The reservations line moves pretty fast. Once inside, you can stay as long as you want (also unlike the Borghese Gallery in Rome).
My experience is that the reservation time is pretty set in stone. I'm surprised that someone was let in at a different time. You are supposed to be in line at the "with reservations" window 15 minutes ahead of your reserved time to pick up your ticket. This line should move pretty quickly. But if it isn't busy (which would be a matter of luck), then perhaps they are more flexible.