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Uffizi Library

I just noticed that the Uffizi has a library (temporarily closed for maintenance 7.15-8.31). Under normal operating hours is it open for visitors with a regular admission ticket or does it require a special appointment/reservation? I'd love to see it!

Thanks in advance.

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5320 posts

According to the website, only scholars are admitted after advance clearance. Their regulations are available as a pdf

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16358 posts

More on the library:

While it does say that "Access to the Library is restricted to those who request to consult the bibliographic and documentary holdings stored there...." the rules state that...

"Visitors may access the Library during the opening hours without limitations and free of charge.
Members must be at least 16 years old. To join, valid proof of identity must be presented. Each
member shall be issued with a personal library card and will be responsible for its use.
The collections are kept in an open shelf system. Any material not available in the open shelf
system must be requested from the librarian. All researchers must sign the guest register and leave bags or other bulky materials in the lockers provided. Laptops may be taken into the study rooms."

"Users and visitors are invited to behave appropriately, with good manners and with respect for the
tranquillity of the other users and the rules of the Institution. "

i've highlighted the word "visitors" as it was distinct from "users" in that last line of text. You could give it a shot? The worst they can say is no. Not sure you'd be allowed to take snaps but photography isn't listed as a no-no.