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Type of purse for Italy

Hi. I have read way too many stories and posts about pickpockets and thieves in Italy. I was planning on taking a money belt and a shoulder bag that has a zipper closure. Do I really need to take a cross-body purse instead of the shoulder bag? We're going to be three women traveling alone, so we might attract some attention from pickpockets.

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62 posts

Take a look at the website, videos show you how features work. My friend has a Pac-safe Daily Safe 200. When traveling in Barcelona, she was body-slammed by thieves who tried to slip their hands down her purse, but failed and ran off immediately. That purse is amazing, very well protected. I bought the sling safe 200 and love it.

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944 posts

The pickpocket stuff is real and not hyperbole. You and your group can be attacked by a horde of gypsy kids. Don't present a target: Don't even carry a purse. Or if you do, make it a decoy that you don't care about with all your good stuff in the money belt. They'll cut a cross strap faster than you can react to it. You may laugh at my paranoia.
I've been 'flocked' before and they didn't get anything because I was prepared for it. The hardest thing was just getting really angry at them so they'd go away. That anger lasted a little too long... I'll be better at it next time with a little less anger.

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187 posts

Yes there are picpockets, thieves & gypsies in Italy & just about everywhere but I have finally learned after several trips to Europe that I am having a hiddenpocket sewn inside all the pants I will take on future trips to keep money, credit cards, etc. so I don't have to worry about this anymore. Of course I'll still carry a purse for my camera & a few other necessities & although I don't want my camera taken I would rather lose it than my cash & cc's.

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7737 posts

If you do get swarmed by little gypsy children, start yelling "BASTA!" at them. That should help. It means "ENOUGH!" in Italian. They use children for this because even if the police capture them (which they hardly ever do) they have to release them because they're minors.

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267 posts

I bought a PacSafe purse (crossbody) and had absolutely no problems with pickpockets or gypsies. I also got a lanyard strap for my camera which came with an extra coupler for quick changing between equipment in case you have more than one camera/etc you plan on switching between. PacSafe products have a lot of safety features to prevent sneak attacks! It was great to have that one less thing to worry about, knowing that if I were targeted, they wouldn't get my stuff. :)
Cross body purse for sure, either way: harder to steal and pickpockets/thieves want easy targets.

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29 posts

We just returned from 10 days in Italy. We were very concerned after reading so much about pickpockets, but had no problems at all. I carried my credit cards in the Rick Steves around the neck pouch, and the guidebooks, water bottles, etc. in a nylon across the body bag. Try to be aware of your surroundings and the people nearby, and enjoy your trip!

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466 posts

If you are street smart you will have no problems. I don't know why on this website people are always making it sound as if you can't walk the streets unless you have eyes in the back of your head. You will encounter the same problems in any big city (including New York and L.A.) Be aware of your surroundings and men keep your wallet in your front pocket. It is not as dangerous as people make it out to be!!!!!!!!

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67 posts

I agree with Mark. I am from a small town and was a little parinoid after reading all pickpocket tales so I left my purse home and used a money belt and my husband carried a pack we put a small padlock on (that was smart as it eased my mind when standing on a crowded bus that someone wasn't inside). However I got tired of going in the pack for sun screen, antibacterial hand wash, sun glasses or tissue. I ended up buying a long shoulder strap purse to keep little gadgets in. I also found if I wore my money belt inside my pants or just under the front of my skirts I got so sweaty. If going again I'd bring my purse. We stayed aware of our surroundings and even squashed in a bus like sardines we never encountered problems with pickpockets. We did see beggars though asking for handouts.

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4 posts

I've used my pac-safe purse on several trips to Europe (I dont use it around home as it has too many extra steps to make it convenient for everyday use). I've never had an issue. My teen daughters and I leave tomorrow for 16 days in Italy! Ciao!

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6 posts

Thank you so much for all of your posts! It's been a big help. I've found on ebay a big, sturdy Coach bag (great price!) with a zipper closure and a good shoulder strap that I can wear cross body and have plenty of room for all the things I just know I'm going to accululate. I'm also looking at a Pacsafe bag.

Thanks again!

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1005 posts

I just purchased (along with my 2 sisters and niece) the PacSafe Metro 200 bag for our upcoming trip to Italy.

On many past trips to Europe I have used a bag by DayMakers of Santa Barbara. It had a cable in the strap but nothing in the body of the bag. Have never had any problems in the past but we will be using the trains on this trip instead of a rental car so just wanted to be able to have a bag I don't have to worry about.