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Tuscany train to bus connections

I am trying to figure out my best options for going from Venice to Volterra on a June 21st (Wednesday). We would like to arrive in Volterra no later than 18:00. I have been checking on the train and bus options (we do not want to rent a car) and I THINK I have figured out that my options are:

  1. Leave Venice at either 9:25a or 10:25a to arrive at Florence SMN at either 11:30a or 12:30. Take the bus at 13:40 to arrive at Volterra at 15:30 (stops in Sienna, transfers in Colle Val D'Elsa)

  2. Leave Venice at either 9:25a or 10:25a to arrive at Pontedera Casciana at either 12:48 or 13:48. Take the bus at either 13:19, 14:24 or 15:25 to arrive at Volterra at either 14:35, 15:40 or 16:40 (stops in Pontedera Piaggio, Terricciola, La Rosa and Lajatico)

Here are my questions:

  1. How much time is needed in both the Florence SMN and the Pontedera Casciana stations in order to make a connection?
  2. What is the approximate distance to the bus station/ticket office in both the Florence SMN and the Pontedera Casciana stations?
  3. I am assuming that I would not purchase bus tickets in advance, correct?
  4. Does anyone have any pros and cons for either route? Obviously, I have more connection options in Pontedera and I wouldn't have to change busses (I think), but anything else?
  5. I was able to find bus schedules, but not fares. Any idea on the approximate costs for either of these bus routes?


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16232 posts
  1. In Florence you need about 5+ min to walk from SMN to the Bus station across the street. I think in Pontedera the buses stop at the station. So 5 min + maybe 5 min to get oriented and figure out the buses. Give yourself 15 min. minimum to be safe.
  2. Florence: Across the Piazza della Stazione on via S.Caterina da Siena (200 mts). Pontedera, even less (buses stop in front of station).
  3. No need.
  4. Whatever works for your schedule. The journey is about 2 hours either way.
  5. The two routes don't differ much in price. Bus Pontedera-Volterra=under 4€, But then add the train Firenze-Pontedera (6.80€). So the total is under 11€. Firenze-Volterra (2 buses)=about 8€ in total.
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21 posts

Thank you, that helps a lot! It means I may have a few more options, since I didn't consider train/bus connections under 60 minutes. I really wish I knew Italian, but I am sure I can muddle thru, especially with the great help and suggestions I have received from this forum.