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Tuscany to Naples flights/boats?

Is it possible to fly or boat from Tuscany to Naples. I made an itinerary that requires Siena to Sorrento for booked room in Sorrento. Too crazy?


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1891 posts

Take the train or you can take the bus. No need to fly and a boat will take you way too long, you'd have to get to the coast first. Suggestion, buy yourself a map so you can better plan, if you don't know the relationship of Siena to Naples, to Sorrento, familiarize yourself with Italy! It will make your trip more enjoyable, and you search for places outside of what you read about on this board! Enjoy your trip!

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17 posts

Thanks, Ellen. Believe it or not, I've actually been following your suggestion for the past 4 weeks. I'm traveling for the first time with a teenager (my niece) and my problem is trying to plan for her level of travel tolerance vs. mine (e.g., for me, taking a relaxing train trip vs. traipsing around another set of "must-sees" is fine, but maybe not for her). Another confounding issue is figuring out the train schedule. On, you need to know where you want to go and when vs. seeing what all of your options are before choosing. Do you know a way to see all routes with possible stopovers and a timetable, available on line?
