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Tuscany in November?

I have the opportunity to spend 3 days in Italy in November. How is the weather in Tuscany in early November? I've been to Rome/Florence/Venice and have spent a small amount of time in Tuscany in the summer. I like the area very much and would like to spend more time there, but I'm not sure about November. Unfortunately, that is the only time available to me, so my choice is really - spend the time in Tuscany or go somewhere else in Italy. Going at another time isn't an option. Any thoughts?

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65 posts

We were in Tuscany/Umbria for 9 days in Feb. 2008 and loved it. The plus side is rooms are cheaper, no problem getting a table and no crowds. What's not to like? We found that the weather was similar to what it is here in Athens in Feb. which is warmer than it is in Bethesda. You may run into a few restaurants that will be closed but I think that's more of a problem in Jan. and Feb. And even that wasn't a downside to our trip. We had plenty of wonderful meals. After we came back from our trip we were watching a Rick Steve's show where he was standing in the chapel of the Duomo in Orvieto describing the frescoes. The room was packed! When we were there in February we were the only two people there. Again, what's not to like? We're planning to go again in the off-season. And if you run into some rain, who cares - after all you're in Italy.

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32 posts

I'm also interested in Tuscany's climate in November. We'll be there Nov 6-14. I've never been there before, so I'm really curious.

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361 posts

Hello Don, I haven't been to Tuscany in Nov. Only Sept. and Oct. but I think that it would be a very interesting time to be there. The olive harvest takes place in Nov, and I believe that truffle hunting also occurs then. If your travel interests include food and wine you can't go wrong. I would also look into festivals in Tuscany and see what is happening then. Buon viaggio. Sherry

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10344 posts

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362 posts

It can be beautiful, cool, crisp and sunny - to cold (40s and windy) - or - it can rain for days on end! November is the month of the Florence Flood of 1966, as well as other historical floods in the region. The last couple of years the wet weather has seem to come a little later (December & January).

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4 posts

I have been to Florence every November for the last 4 yrs. The weather is cool/cold and every yr it has rained but it has not ruined my trip. When it rains, I usually spend my days in museum and when the weather is good, I spend it outdoors or take day trips. I will be in Italy again in Nov.
Have fun!

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10344 posts

Alison makes a key point: The weather matters when you're in the CT where the things you came to do are outdoors and affected by whether it's raining, etc.

On the other hand, the weather matters much less if you're someplace like Florence or Rome that offer plenty of things to do indoors, when the weather isn't cooperating.

The percentage chance of rain/bad weather matters if you came to do outdoor things; it doesn't matter so much if you're where you can do indoor things.

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1317 posts

We went to Florence right before Thanksgiving and got a mix of beautifully sunny days and some rainy days. Temperatures were in the 50s and low 60s as I recall.

The rain didn't present much of a problem, except the manhole covers and grates in Florence became incredibly slick. Several people in our group slipped and fell.

Since you've been to Florence, I'm guessing you will stick more to the smaller towns. We were in Orvieto (technically in Umbria) prior to Florence, and had lovely clear blue skys. Being on top of a big cliff, it was probably a little cooler...low to mid 50s, I would say.

I love traveling to Italy in the winter. The weather is no worse than in Seattle and often better. Plus the crowds and the prices tend to be a lot smaller/lower.