I'd love some suggestions and personal experiences of driving in Tuscany.
We will be coming from Positano early in the AM, connect in Rome, and then the sky is the limit. Our end-game is a B&B near Gaiole in Chianti, but I'd like to hit some of the southern towns via car on the way up.
I'm thinking we might rent a car in Orvieto, then travel North towards Gaiole (seems like 1.5 hours according to Google). What towns are must-see on the way up?
Do we still need international drivers license in Italy in 2009?
How do you know where you can legally park in these hill towns? Are there any specific signs to look for?
Do you 'need' a car reservation in Orvieto (or any other town you guys convince me to rent from), or can you just show up and get a fair price?
We'd be looking to drop the car likely in Pisa as we exit Tuscany for a return trip home from Milan (just take the train from Pisa to Milan). Any fees associated?
Thanks in advance ... this is the part of our trip we have the least knowledge about (we always ride trains, but this year really want to get out and see some hill-towns besdies San G and Sienna).