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Tuscan car rental on Sunday?

I am surprised to find through researching several sites that car rental agencies close around 1:00 on Saturday & remain closed until Monday. Our plans were to train from Rome to Chiusi on Sunday, rent a car to visit a few Tuscan hills towns & proceed onto Siena where we have booked a agritourisma. A few days later we were going to drive back to Chiusi & train on to Milan. Is it possible to rent a car in Chiusi on Sunday?
A gentleman has made several posts about a site that rents cars for 100 Euros a day & he thinks that is a good rate. That sounds terribly expensive to me, are there not better rates than 100 Euros a day?

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831 posts

On a Sunday you probably will be restricted to big cities (Rome and Florence) or airports. See Autoeurope for rates that are considerably better than 100 euro a day.

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77 posts

I wanted to the same thing, but found that ALL the car agencies were closed on Sunday. We decided to pick up in Rome at the Termini station. Its the only option. Lots of people here said it was better then the airport and easy to get out of the city. We are using Auto Europe 4 days, automatic car for $500. That was the lowest rate I could find.

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19 posts

Thank you Henry & Gina. Gina, are you returning to Rome to return the car or do you have another drop off point? We may end up training all the way to Siena & picking up a car there on Monday. I haven't reseached all my options yet.

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16 posts

Try I found a three-day fare for $178 including taxes and insurance for a diesel car no less in Florence at a place that is open on Sundays and is relatively near the train station. It is less than 1.5 hrs from Chuisi. On Sunday, the drive should not be that difficult.