Roma Pass right now is e36.
Planning on using it for Borghese and Coleseum as the two free sites. Cost of these (including online reservation fees) are e11 and 14 respectively.
Also planning on doing day trip to Ostia Antica where discount will be e4 (without pass e11; with pass e7).
So total savings for site entries is e29.
It seems like there really is no benefit to the pass in terms of line skipping since I can easily make an online reservations at the Borghese and Coloseum.
So then the question is will I use enough public transportation to make up the remaining e7. We are staying near Termini. Will likely walk to Borghese and Ancient sites. Vatican will be day #4 so the pass will run out by then. Thinking of maybe bussing from Borghese to some of the catacombs up there (and then back) and of course using public transportation to Ostia Antica. How much is the round trip to OA? As I'm writing this I'm realizing I will probably make up the remaining e6 and thus the pass is likely justified. Any input appreciated!