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trouble phoning Rome

Hello, I have been trying to phone this restaurant in Rome ( Trastevere area) to make reservations. I have read that you need to make reservations weeks ahead.
The restaurant is called Da Enzo. The number on their website is 39 06 58 12260. Now I just got off the phone with ATT and they said there was missing numbers??
Can someone help please. I have tried a few times but I just get an " the number you are dialing etc..etc..)

Thank you

Posted by
1230 posts

Did you dial "011" before the 39....? That "011" is the international access code when dialing from the U.S., and necessary before dialing the "39" which is the country code for Italy.

Posted by
8889 posts

Pat, The number you read on the website is almost certainly: +39 06 58 12260
The "+" means you have to dial whatever code you need to get an international connection (the "international call prefix"). This varies from country to country. You say you are from the USA. The international call prefix for calls from the USA is 011 (I think, you need to double check with the information provided by your telephone company. So, if you are calling from the USA, you need to dial:
011 39 06 58 12260
39 is the country code for Italy, 06 is the area code for Rome, the rest is the number.

Posted by
293 posts

yes I did dial 011 prior and I have called a few places in Italy and did not have a problem as I recall but I don't remember how many numbers were in it. I would just email them requesting a reservation but I could not see one.

Wait...... !!

IT JUST RANG..and I talked to a lovely girl so. I am good now Thank you..not sure what I did different but I did it

Posted by
1625 posts

You need the plus sign you can get this by pressing and holding down the ZERO on your phone and the plus sign will appear, then just dial the number +39 06 581 2260

Posted by
616 posts

Maybe, it was just the Time when you rang. Most restaurants are not open all day through.
For instance in this case:
La cucina è aperta dalle 12.30 alle 15.00, e dalle 19,30 alle 23.00. Chiusi la domenica.
So may be they are there as from 11 am GMT+1 to 4 pm GMT+1 And then from 6 pm-GMT+1 to 12 GMT+1. They are also closed on wednesday.