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Trouble booking Albergo Milano hotel, Verenna

I've tried to book through the website but it won't let me put in the correct year, anyone have any idea how to book this hotel at Varenna, Lake Como? If they are not able to book people does anyone have any suggestions of a equally good hotel in Varenna?

Posted by
381 posts

We stayed there in September of 2015 and I believe the receptionist told us they close down completely from October 1 until spring. It is a lovely little hotel with amazing views, good breakfast, centrally located and easily walkable from the train station. I would continue to try every couple of days or so until the reservation is accepted which may not be until the first of the year. Is there an email listed on their website you could try???

Posted by
554 posts

When we stayed there in September 2008, the owner - Egidio (sp?) - explained he goes away for the winter to California with his family. So yes, they must be closed during this time. Perhaps if there is an email address on their site it may be monitored in their absence?

Posted by
5316 posts


It looks like there's a glitch in their website or they just simply forgot to change the year since the only choices are 2016 or 2017.

I would try contacting them directly via phone or email.
Your other option is to fill out your information on the inquiry form, select your date (choose 2017) and then write in the "special request" bar that the dates are for 2018 and explain that 2018 was not a choice. They will then hopefully figure out the problem with their website.

My mom and I enjoyed our stay in one of their apartments (Casa Gialla) in October 2014.

The hotel usually closes at the beginning of November until the end of March or so.
Albergo Milano is a family owned hotel and they take a break during those months when the weather is not ideal for most tourists,

Posted by
197 posts

We have confirmed reaervations there for October 27 and 28.

Posted by
1082 posts

Thanks for the responses, I've sent an e-mail and if that doesn't work I will call them. This forum is really helpful for fellow travelers!

Posted by
261 posts

I never use a hotel's website to book a stay, unless it's the only method possible, after email or phone communication has taken place first. The internet is one way to conduct business with me, but I find it's often unreliable. Stuff can go wrong with the code without notice, and most small businesses do not have in-house IT people. Much like plumbing mishaps, they have to make a phone call and wait for someone to fit a fix in the schedule.

Bettina, the owner, is a terrific communicator, even when their business is closed. In winter, they do not ignore reservation requests, although it may take a day or two longer to hear from them. When email doesn't work, I telephone.

Posted by
37 posts

I emailed them several times and did not receive a response. IMO, if they are not responsive to booking reservations, then they may not be the best place for me to stay. I have booked for Hotel Olivedo instead. Response from them was very quick.

Posted by
261 posts

"I emailed them several times and did not receive a response."

That would be a red flag of SPAM for me. Email is not totally reliable either, and the reason some addresses go to Spam is too complicated to address here. In my business, we are multi-platform. Certain Mac machines send certain email addresses automatically to Spam. AOL email accounts are a nightmare.

The bottom line is, if it takes two or more emails, there is probably a legitimate problem. Or, you're spelling Varenna with an "e."

(Edit) I forgot, their website does not allow you to book a room. It's an inquiry only form. I never trust those online forms either, which is why I send a direct email or call. They are still open, so someone should answer the phone. It is odd that 2018 is not on the inquiry calendar yet. I can think of several reasons why not, but it's best not to speculate.

"I have booked for Hotel Olivedo instead."

A very different experience. Most people trying to get a reservation at Albergo Milano will telephone before giving up and booking elsewhere.

Posted by
1082 posts

I was able to book my dates in May 2018 by e-mail!!!!! Thanks to everyone for the help. I have a room facing the lake with a terrace, we will be there for 3 nights with no agenda, can't wait.

Posted by
261 posts

"May 2018… have a room facing the lake with a terrace"

In Varenna, it doesn't get much better than this. Perseverance often pays off. You are in for a serious treat. Congratulations!

Posted by
8 posts

We stayed in a room with terrace in May 2014--amazing views, very comfortable. Be sure to make a reservation for their La Vista restaurant, you need the reservation and great food and more views!
I am jealous, want to visit again.

Posted by
9161 posts

We stayed in one of those terrace rooms as well. Makes you reluctant to leave the hotel. Very much worth the effort.

Posted by
1446 posts

You will not be disappointed! We also stayed in a room with a terrace overlooking the lake and thoroughly enjoyed it. The views are incredible and the hotel itself is very clean and comfortable. As someone else said, you won't want to leave your room! The owners are wonderful as well. We had to depart very early in the morning for our flight out of Milan and the owner was nice enough to pack us each a to-go bag containing breakfast items which was so thoughtful. Enjoy!