I just downloaded the Tripit app for my phone to do an itinerary for my trip. Is it safe, as I typed all my info (dates, flights, hotel) online to sync with my iphone. I do not have facebook, etc. Is there any danger in that?
Thanks I will look into that, I have a lock on my phone but I'm not sure about the apps being deleted after 5 trys. I'll research that. Thanks
I've used the Tripit application on my Android phone for over a year with no issues. The nicest feature is the way it can automatically create your itineraries by simply forwarding the confirmation emails you receive from airlines, hotels, etc. to Tripit. Keep in mind that you will probably need to have a data connection to access your info when traveling. Check with your cell phone service provider to make sure that you will have data coverage while in Europe.
you have a username and password with TripIt that is separate from others so it should not connect to any other program (unless you tell it to). It's as safe as any other app out there. If you do not plan to have access to a data plan, make sure you sync your TripIt in the US before you leave - it won't be able to update overseas unless you have data or can access wifi. I used this on my trip to Spain last year and it was great - kept all the notes of restaurants, sites, etc.
Thanks all for your replies. I will be in touch with my cell phone provider to finalize what I have for data, charging overseas etc. Thanks again.
I am an Iphone and Ipad fanatic who travels alot for my work. I did not like Tripit as it required too much work. Rather I might suggest Pageone's two products -- TripTracker and Personal Assistant (for Blackberry and Iphone) which now is named Pageonce Pro, (search the App store for Pageonce). With their product, all you do is enter your frequent flyer accounts and passwords and it will automatically update all of your travel plans (ie, hotels, airlines, and rental cars). As soon as you open the application, it will do an update of all of your accounts. I have never had a problem with either package and security. However, I do have a lock on my Iphone and Ipad, so that someone has to enter the code to enter the applications. If someone tries to experiment with codes, after 5 it will delete the applications. That way, if anyone were to find the devices, I would not loose my financial information. Just a suggestion.
Here is a recent article from the NY Times on how to save data roaming charges when traveling: http://nyti.ms/pfAiWp