Last May, we flew direct to Rome from Philadelphia and then took the train from Rome Termini to Florence SMN. I had bought the train tickets on-line 90 days out ("super economy discount" from ItaliaRail). Also had pre-purchased tickets for the Leonardo Express train from the airport to Rome Termini (also deeply discounted on-line in advance), but ended up missing it by 5 minutes. Turned out our departure from Philly was delayed by almost 2 hours due to a mechanical. Fortunately we grabbed a taxi at the Rome airport and made it to Rome Termini with plenty of time to spare to catch the train to Florence. After reading this Forum, I decided to purchase tickets for a train from Rome Termini to Florence SMN that departed about three hours from our scheduled arrival at the Rome Airport (consensus recommendation of several Forum participants), and that worked out fine. So, here are the particulars to give you an idea as to how I planned this: Our flight was supposed to arrive at 9:10; I bought Leonardo Express tickets for an 11:08 departure (with scheduled arrival in Rome Termini at 11:30); and the train from Rome Termini to Florence SMN was scheduled to depart at 12:20. Again, it is always a gamble to purchase train tickets ahead of time when banking on an on-time or near on-time flight. If I did this again, I would still book the Rome to Florence train with the deep discount, and then just buy the Leonardo Express tickets when we arrived. I also had checked the 'on time percentage' of our flight from Philly to Rome and it was about 70%, so I knew the odds were in our favor but not overwhelming. Well, you win some, you lose some. At least we made the longer, more expensive train trip on time and saved quite a bit by the advanced purchase, so the taxi ride was not very painful compared to if we had bought the train tickets from Rome to Florence at full price upon arrival.