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Trip report - Verona

I went back to Verona on my way to Venice to see the Arena, which I had missed on my first visit. I had plenty of time in the late afternoon to be wowed by it, then have a walk to Piazza del Erbe at dusk and top the evening off with a lovely dinner. The next day I went to San Zeno (another wow) and the Castelvecchio museum, also impressive, and some more walking around the town which is so picturesque and well-maintained. Before heading to the train station I couldn't resist visiting the (temporary) Corot Exhibition - a bit of the Louvre in Verona.

I can't think why everyone doesn't go to Verona. It is becoming my favorite Italian town.

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3260 posts

Hi Chani!

I absolutely agree! Verona has great restaurants, nice piazzas, and an excellent Roman Museum (Teatro Romano) as well. Your post makes me anxious to return!

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1005 posts

Hi Chani we also really liked Verona! On a 3-wk trip we spent a week near Lake Garda and went to Verona 2x as we enjoyed it so much. Loved sitting at a cafe across from the Arena and just people watching!

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1317 posts

Chani, I'm so glad you posted this report! I researched Verona for my (now-postponed) northern Italy trip and the more I read about it, the more I am convinced I MUST go there.

Would you consider Verona a good place to home base for a week or so and visit some of the surrounding towns? As I recall, there are pretty good train connections to the Lake Garda area, as well as Mantova, Padova, etc.

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323 posts


Glad you posted also because we are planning a week in Verona. One place we hope to travel to is the Dolomites as well as Parma and Mantua. We have spent time in Padua in 2007 and loved it. Also went to Vicenza from there.

Jerry and Stelly

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32303 posts


Thanks for the report! I wasn't quite sure what to expect before my first visit to Verona, but I really enjoyed my time there. Piazza Bra is somewhat "touristy" but it's a great place to wander around and "people watch".

The Amphitheatre is incredible (they were doing dress rehearsals for Aida during the time I was there) and there are some great restaurants (if you saw my profile, you'd know why restaurants are important in my travels!). The Romeo & Juliet garden was very touristy, but I had to see it at least once.


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12313 posts

Verona was also one of our pleasant surprises. I almost skipped the ampitheater because I knew we would be visiting "the" Colliseum in Rome soon. I'm glad we didn't skip it. The Verona ampitheater is still a working venue (seeing an opera there is now on my to do list) while the Roman Colliseum is a ruin.

We really liked the city. There are many examples of Roman and Medieval architecture.

We wouldn't recommend our lodging. We stayed at Villa Francescetti hostel. The place is neat (if deteriorated) and the staff is nice but the water pressure is low. Your morning shower consists of using your hands to channel some of the water cascading down the wall in the right direction.