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Trip in Review

Hi all. My husband and I spent a month backpacking in Italy this summer. I received so much help and advice from this board before we left and I'd like to now be able to help anyone in anyway possible. I'm going to list our itinerary below. If you have any questions about anything, ask away!

Milan: two nights

Baveno (Lakes): three nights

Verona: one night

Venice: three nights

Bolzano/Bozen: two nights

Florence: three nights

Perugia: one night

Assisi: one night

Sorrento: four nights (day trip to Capri and Pompeii)

Rome: three nights

Pisa: one night

Cinque Terre: three nights

Milan: one night

I wish everyone a trip as wonderful as ours!

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42 posts


Great questions. Our backpacking: we stayed at campsites, so we had a tent, air mattresses, MSR stove, cooking supplies, clothes and cosmetics.

We traveled only on Regional trains (we had budgeted $450 per person for travel within Italy, but quickly realized that the Regional trains were great for us. Only one didn't have air conditioning and we easliy got seats every time). We spent a little less than $300 per person on travel, which left money for more expensive dinners.

For the most part, we'd leave a city early in the morning (6am-8am) and take a train to our next destination. We'd immediately find our campsite, set up camp, drop off our packs and head back into town. We only had four one-night stops (out of 12 different places we visited). Each one had sites that we could see in a half-day (6 hour) visit. The only place I'd consider spending more time was Assisi; a few more hours would have been nice.

We flew in and out of Milan, so we stayed at the same campsite twice. I'd contacted them early (I had contacted them all beforehand) and asked if we could leave a small bag with my husband's suit and a dress for me. We had La Scala tickets that worked out great!

Hope this helps put somewhat of a picture on our trip. If anyone is considering a camping/backpacking trip, please contact me. I'm a huge fan (it's the way Europeans travel...we met so many fun people) and have learned alot after two summers of it.

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7737 posts

You had so many places where you stayed for one night only. How did that work for you? My own preference is to avoid one-night-only stays whenever possible.

And could you clarify what you mean by "backpacking"? I think that means different things to different people.


Posted by
632 posts


You get my vote for best prepared camper to post recently on this site. You had me before you said anything about La Scala...that put you at the top of the list...