I am approaching the end of my 90 day travel in Italy, and since I have come in under budget, I thought it would be fun to go to Paris for a day. All my nights in Italy are already pre-paid through AirBnB, so do not want to double up too much. It seems difficult for me to find train connections that fit my needs. I would like the trip to be a quick as possible, but as economical as possible. I have thought about a night train one way, then have the day to sightsee, stay in a hotel then train back the next day. If i did that, staying close to the train station would be easiest to leave early. I do not do well with new train schedules, especially in a foreign language, although I know there are people who speak English who are ready to help if needed.
I am presently in Trento, and will be flying out off Milan, however my plans in Milan are rather full to add two days in going to Paris. I have plenty of time here in Trento to make this work if I can find the right connections.
Has anyone done a trip like this or have any suggestions for me? This is just a whim that if is not too expensive or complicated would be fun to do.