I did a quick google of both places and when I saw Otzi was in Bolzano, that shifted the needle more to that, and the replies just shifted me even more in that direction. Love the cable car idea.
As for when in Sept - I'm not sure yet if we're going to go the last two weeks of Sept/1st week Oct or last week Sept/1st 2 weeks of Oct. And right now we are going to go from Vienna thru to Zurich - but we may do it the other direction as well - I have to look at costs/availability of flights and whatnot. We will most likely have the full 21 nights - two travel days not included.
Roberto mentioned Verona - I was thinking of that as an overnight between Venice and wherever we end up in Switzerland.
My very tentative itin (subject to change, and not sure which way we will travel) is:
fly into Zurich, head right for Bern
Lugano (this spot is very much up in the air, as I haven't done much research into it - opinions? better spot? skip it all together?)
London (and hopefully a sister visit) and home.
We had a few nights in Swit in 2010 (Bern, Spiez, Zurich). This will be our 5th visit to Venice - I haven't been for 5 yrs and I'm YEARNING to return. We've seen Salzburg, which is why it isn't on my list. Not sure number of nights, other than 3 in London, 3 in Venice and 3 or 4 in Vienna.
I contemplated Lake Como, but I have thoughts about next year's holiday, which include bringing my mom back to Italy and doing Como and Tuscany, so that's why I decided against staying there. We also have been to Milan and don't really need to go back.