I made reservations on the Trenitalia site for myself and 2 grandchildren in First class. I was assigned 2 seats together and one on the single aisle. I wanted all 3 seats with a table between us. Using the LeFrecce site with the seat plan it appears we are in a row with no table. My 2 sons have also decided to accompany us so I now need 5 seats (4 with a table and 1 single will work). I went to the Trenitalia site but could not figure out how to change our seats only the date and/or time. Please help! Lydia
You can go to this part of the trenitalia site to see if you can change your tickets: http://www.trenitalia.com/cms/v/index.jsp?vgnextoid=72519a606a25e210VgnVCM1000003f16f90aRCRD Be sure to have your reservation number with you. You might also try emailing them to see if they can change your reservation. Donna
Thanks Donna. Only a change of date and/or time can be made on the website. I can't find an email address for Trenitalia. Lydia
There is no change of seats independent of ticket changes, unfortunately.
You could try calling them. 011 39 06 68475475 If all else fails just ask the people next to you if they would mind switching. Most of the time they have no problems doing this if it's to keep a family together. Donna