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Travelling With Grandchildren

I am taking my 13 year old grandson to Rome in March, a trip he's been wanting to take since he was 4 or 5 yrs. old. I read somewhere that I will need a notarized letter of authorization from his mother (my daughter) to take him out of the country. I've searched the internet for verification, but can't find anything. Are any of you aware of this?


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3260 posts

Hi Bonnie,
Darcy just posted this question under the "General Europe" section of this site. Check out my response there. Hope that helps!

Posted by
219 posts

I would think you are correct in assuming a notarized letter or some other official document. When I filled out the child passport application for my kids, I believe I saw an area on the application asking if parents are divorced or aren't living together. It then asks why the applying parent wants to take the child out of the country & show proof that it's OK w/the other parent. In your case, ask a lawyer friend, go to a passport office, or ask your elected officials to find out.

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61 posts

We moved overseas a few months ago and the embassy told us that we would need a notarized letter if I traveled with my son, but without my husband, out of the country. It is to prevent international kidnappings. I have not had to do this yet, but I have heard of moms not having the letter and getting detained in customs as they are questioned. Since you will be with your grandson, I would do it to be safe. I found this link that may help. It is not a govt site, but it may help give some guidance.

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17 posts

Hello Ria. I did try the State Dept., even sent them an email inquiry, but got no answer.

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831 posts

I have made multiple trips to Italy with grandchildren and have never been asked for any documents other than passports. I do carry notarized authorization with both parents signing that I can take them out of the country and authorize medical care. Why take a chance?