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Travelling to Lucca

We are going to be in Italy next September and have already booked stays in an agriturismo near Pienza and in Assisi. We will rent a car for that part of the trip. We also want to spend a few days each in Florence and Lucca, with a side trip from Lucca to Pisa. My husband and I have traveled by train in Italy previously and it worked well. We would like any advice you can give about how best to travel to Lucca from either Florence or Assisi, by train or by car.

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2487 posts

To Lucca from Florence is straightforward with a direct Regionale train, taking a little bit over 1 hr 15 mins. From Assisi adds around 2,5 hrs for the train to Florence S.M.N., where you change for Lucca. All trains can easily be found on (remember to use »Firenze« for Florence).
Have you considered having your stay in Lucca only, and »doing« Florence as a day trip? I found Lucca a much more agreeable place to stay.

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1589 posts

Parking just outside the wall @ Lucca is easy & straightforward, but I would still suggest the train.

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8262 posts

IMHO Florence is a terrible day trip. It is so rich and deep in artistic treasures that you really need several days to scratch the surface and with a day trip you have a lot of hassles of parking, and other logistics that make the town much less attractive than waking up there and being able to stroll the beautiful streets early and late. Our first visit to Florence was for one night and we disliked the town; we later spent 2 mos there and loved it. Two mos is far more than most people can manage of course, but even 4 or 5 nights gives you some 'being there' rather than just logistics hassles.

Lucca is lovely and a good base for some of Tuscany; it is also a decent day trip by either car or train.

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362 posts

The train from Florence to Lucca is quick and easy, about an hour. In one day you can see all the major sights and walk the ramparts. If you wanted to visit Lucca and Pisa on the same day it's definitely doable, just leave Florence early morning and come back late evening, especially if your main reason to go to Pisa is to visit the Campo dei Miracoli. Lucca and Pisa are on the same train route from Florence so if you go on 2 different days you'll be covering the same tracks twice. For the Pisa Campo be sure to get off at the San Rossore station, not Pisa Centrale, then you'll only have to walk a few minutes to the Campo. IMO, the Campo Duomo is the most marvelous attraction there. You will need a reserved ticket to go in, but it's free. Unless you plan to climb the Torre you can see it in just a few minutes. I mention seeing Lucca and Pisa on the same day only because that will give you more time in Florence. Even a week there will not be enough time to fully appreciate it.

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3551 posts

While a car is wonderful in Tuscany it can be very difficult to park in Assisi, and Florence. If u still want to drive get the smallest car possible and realize that driving in Florence is a nightmare with traffic cameras everywhere that send u very expensive ticket infractions via your rental car info. As u are trapped in traffic all is recorded.
I have driven alot in Italy cities and countryside. IMHO stay in the country with your car. Public transit for sure to Florence And Assisi.

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3210 posts

Jane--the plan is to spend "a couple days each" in Florence and Luca, so Florence is not just a day trip.

To answer the question---we did train from Florence to Lucca and it was easy and pleasant. The train station is outside the walls and you want to stay inside, but we had no trouble walking to our apartment with roller bags. If you are interested in an apartment I can recommend the one we stayed in.