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Traveling to Rome with a 4 year old

Hello! I’m wondering what I should do for a car seat for my 4 year old daughter. We leave next Friday the 10th for Rome. We arrive Saturday morning. I’m considering using the welcome pick ups (has anyone used this? And did you like it?) Do I request one from the company I use to transport us? I heard the smartest way to travel from fco into Rome is through the Welcome Pick ups. Because of no added in fees. I can certainly ask them if they provide seats. I just know I don’t plan on bringing hers with me! We also don’t plan to travel by car very much since we will be in walking distance of most of the things we want to do. Any recommendations would be great... also, any recommendations for flying with a 4 year old for the first time are welcome... I’m a bit nervous! Thank you in advance :)

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68 posts

Have traveled internationally with our daughter since she was 8 months old, so understand your concerns, but before you do anything else, check with your airline(s) on their car seat policy as you may not have a choice but to bring a car seat for the flight. These policies are inconsistently enforced, but we have been told I couldn’t gate check the car seat (have to use it on board). You don’t want to be told that and not have one!

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362 posts

We’ve been traveling internationally with our child without a car seat on the plane since the age of four with a problem. I’ve never heard of car seats being required for children on planes (what about lap children?) although they are certainly safer for very small children.

We will be taking our 5 year old on a couple of tours with private drivers in Italy this summer (on trains otherwise, so we aren’t bringing our car seat). While some children this age use a booster seat, we prefer to use a car seat (which is not required by Italian law for five year olds). We asked the company to provide a car seat and have been assured we will have one. You could try asking your company for the same. They treated it as a very normal request and it didn’t seem to be a problem at all.

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186 posts

Request a car seat from your transport co.; a good one will be able to accommodate your request with no problem.

Re traveling with young kids: don't worry; you'll be fine, it just takes some planning and packing. We have taken many, many international trips with kids under 5 and here are my best recs:
1) let them (with your help) pack their carry on backpack with things they select--blankey, lovey, books, toys, etc., then you secretly add some surprise items for them to discover. This helps entertain them on long flights.
2) enjoy the perks of being first to board, nice people helping with doors and strollers. Flight attendants who share extra cookies and airline pins. People are really nice and understanding.
3) pack a large ziplock bag of a variety of candy, particularly lollipops for the flights. This helps with earpopping. The candy can be dolled out for rewards and bribes as needed. (I know some people will disapprove, but travelling is a different realm of parenting. You need to use all means necessary to keep your child happy and quiet.)
4) Go on frequent walks on the plane. This helps them get out a little energy. You might meet other kids as well.
5) On board entertainment/download favorite shows and movies. Too much screen time doesn't count on the plane.

6) Pack a stash of emergency earplugs to give to neighbors in case of emergency
7) If your child kicks the chair in front of them and you are traveling with a partner, offer to trade seats so one of you has the seat in front of your child
8) some people suggest benedryl to help with sleep. I don't recommend this. Sometimes it makes kids hyper and that is the last thing you want on a long overnight flight.

9) most concourses have kid play areas. Use them to help burn off energy.

10) Always eat, drink, and use the bathroom before getting on board all flights. Always be prepared to not be allowed to get up during a flight (i.e., have your own food, drink, and a few sets of extra clothes in case of emergency).
Have fun . . . if you teach your child to enjoy traveling, they will be your favorite travel partner as they grow into adults

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23710 posts

Not sure who "welcome pick ups" is or are. I think it is a new start up service maybe patterned about Uber or something similar. You might put in the above search box and see if a posting pops up. There was an question about them a couple of months ago. Don't remember the responses. Taxi are cheap with fixed rate of 48 euro to city center. There is no add in fees for the taxi either unless you have 15 pieces of luggage. Personally think using the taxi or train is reasonably smart and convenient. At 4, are you approaching the upper limit for a car seat and need only a boaster seat?