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Traveling to point A to B

Hello is there a link where I can go to see how distance long from one place to another on a high speed train ?
I wanted to see :
how far from Eiffel Tower to my hotel
How far hotel is from airport
How far from one hotel to another
Thank you

Posted by
6 posts

But that’s not for the high speed trains in Europe . It’s not accurate

Posted by
7131 posts

Bullet trains in Europe? Even if there were they wouldn't be between the ET and a hotel or the airport or between hotels. I think maybe they want metro times, distances, map?

Posted by
7057 posts

How is Google maps not accurate?

Could you please clarify what you are asking for?

Posted by
6 posts

The google - train symbol isn’t the fast train in Europe correct ? Different speeds

Posted by
7057 posts

There is no such thing as a “google train”

No idea what you are talking about.

Posted by
417 posts

Skipping over the fact that there is no "google train"...the high speed trains connect European cities. They are not inner-city trains, connecting airports, sites and hotels. Google maps will give you all the options for connecting between hotels, airports and sites, via car, public transit, walking, biking.

Posted by
6 posts

Ok that’s what I needed to know . I didn’t know that so you still need a car or another way of transportation to get to local spots . The fast train only gets you to the main areas correct?

Google map -the train that’s listed for a means of transportation for distance

Posted by
7684 posts

I didn’t know that so you still need a car or another way of transportation to get to local spots . The fast train only gets you to the main areas correct? Google map -the train that’s listed for a means of transportation for distance

Distances from places like the Eiffel Tower to your hotel or the airport to your hotel and so on, can be determined by using Google Maps. Make sure you click on the Public Transport option at the top. It will give you a very good idea of how to get various places inside the city of Paris. It will not show high-speed trains because high-speed trains are used for long-distance routes between cities.

For example, if you want to go from your Paris hotel to Berlin or to Avignon, you have the option of taking a high-speed train. The most accurate way to compute the distance is to go to the railway website (like SNCF for France or Deutsche Bahn for Germany) to calculate which train you would take and the distance and time.

You could use Google maps for that, and it will give you a ballpark idea but again, the official rail sites are the most accurate.

Posted by
4765 posts

Taking a train or not is not really relevant to the directions you are seeking. Google Maps will do an excellent job of that, and you can choose between bus and metro and taxi and foot.

Perhaps what you mean is, once the train gets me to my destination (wasn't aware the Eiffel Tower had moved), how do I get to X and Y. Once you know what train station you're arriving at, the rest is easy.

Posted by
7057 posts

OK- start here- read up on train travel in Europe, then read about train travel in whatever countries you are traveling to

There are fast trains (city to city for the most part) and regional trains (city to city, smaller towns, etc). metro trains, trams, buses, taxis, your feet etc-all means of getting to and from.

Google map -the train that’s listed for a means of transportation for

Still no idea what your are taking about here ^^

Google Maps is a website- you put in your location and destination and it will show you routes- walking, driving, train/bus, etc

So if you want know how far Eiffel Tower is from your hotel first search for your hotel by name -that is your Location, then put Eiffel Tower in Destination

You have posted in Italy but part of your question is about Paris.
If you need to know about local transportation in various countries or cities- then post a more specific question in the correct country forum.

Rome2rio is a fun tool - it will show you all your transportation options and transit times between whatever locations you put in. It’s useful for beginning research but always go to the actual train site or bus site, etc to get most accurate info.

Trenitalia and ItaloTreno are the 2 train companies in Italy

Trenitalia runs fast trains and regional trains, ItaloTreno only runs fast trains.
Use the official train sites to book your tickets.

Posted by
14605 posts

OK, here's a googlemap of the walk from one of my regular hotels to the Eiffel Tower.

Here's an example of using Googlemaps to give you Public Transit in Paris (the Metro) to get to the Louvre from the same hotel. It gives you the 2 Metro lines you would use to get there - Line 8 (the purple one) and Line 1 (the gold one).

You do NOT want a car in any of the big cities you are planning to visit, Paris, Milan and Rome.

I'm also going to recommend you get a copy of Rick's Europe Through the Back Door which is a basic guide to HOW to travel in Europe. If you don't want to buy a copy your local library may have one to borrow. BEFORE you get any deeper in to planning and BEFORE you make any reservations...I suggest a read thru this book as well as the Seat 61 website on train travel in Europe.

Just don't want you getting yourself locked in to plans that might work better a different way!

Posted by
417 posts

Oh the train SYMBOL in google maps, that's what you mean? That gets you all the public transit options between the locations you've put in - train, bus, subway, etc. It will also show the public transit options between cities too, but I think Rome2Rio or even Eurail might be better options for that.

And this is posted in "Italy" - Eiffel Tower is a bit far if that's where you are staying!

Posted by
20990 posts

Is there a reason that a question about the Eiffel Tower is posted on the Italy Forum? And what do high speed trains have to do with it?