It is unclear from your posting whether you have a live possibility of an exchange or are just thinking about it in the abstract. It sounds like the latter. In general, having a house or apartment is better for kids than hotels. Even better if an exchange can be arranged with a family that has similar age children. Then there will be toys around, and a generally child-friendly environment. However, if you are at the stage of just abstractly considering a trip, you should be aware that most Europeans with children seek exchanges during the summer school holiday period. In addition, we have found, after numerous attempts, that the Italians are very difficult to deal with on the issue of house exchanges. After many promising beginnings, it became clear that what they really wanted was to rent their vacation house to us, not do an exchange. (Maybe that would work for you, however.) We've succeeded in obtaining six house exchanges, but never one in Italy. In case you are not aware of it, you can look on the sites of various exchange organizations - -Intervac, Home Link, etc. - - to get a sense of what's available before joining. Don't be seduced by listings that say they're available "any time." They usually don't really mean that. I do agree with Zoe that Italians might just be the most child-friendly people in the world.