My husband and I are traveling to Italy in July. we are spending 4 days and 3 full days in Rome.From there we will rent a car and travel to Orvieta and spend 2 nights. From there we are staying in a castle outside of Sienna for 4 nights. We plan to tour the Hill Towns. My question is with our 7 days left we are not sure how to split the days. We were thinking of 4 days in the Cinque T and 3 in Venice.And where to stay in the CT. Or should we do 5 in the Ct and 2 in Venice? We plan to drop off the car in La Spezia?? Not sure if we can fit in Florence while in the Castle. there are so many hill towns Rick Steve's mentions. Need train info also from Ct to Venice. I welcome any info you could share and tips and suggestions Thank you:)
No offense, but one day in the CT was enough for us. With your 7 days there is so much to explore in The Lakes, Verona and Venice. Lake Como to me is the most beautiful place on earth. Make sure when you have your car you explore the little towns and not just the tourist towns. Everything else sounds terrific!
Ingrid, As you're planning to rent a car, it's a good idea to be aware of the usual "caveats" regarding driving in Italy..... It's important to note that for driving in Italy, each driver must have the compulsory International Driver's Permit, which is used in conjunction with your home D.L. These are valid for one year, and easily obtained at any CAA/AAA office (two Passport-sized photos required, which in some cases are provided by the issuing office). Failure to produce an IDP if requested can result in fines on the spot! Have a look at This Website for more detailed information on driving in Italy. You may also want to search other Posts here regarding the Zona Traffico Limitato areas that are becoming increasingly prevalent in many towns in Italy (especially Florence!). EACH PASS through one of the automated Cameras will result in a €100+ ticket! In some locations, parking tickets or having "The Boot" applied will also be a concern. A GPS along with a good Map would also be a good idea. Be sure to also give some thought to the question of CDW. If you accept the CDW offered by the rental firm, it will be expensive but will provide "peace of mind". Some "premium" credit cards provide rental vehicle insurance, however I've found this is often complicated. When renting in Italy, CDW and Theft must be purchased from the rental firm. Check the Car Rental section in Europe Through The Back Door or Gemut for further information. Happy travels!
Ingrid, Some additional comments.... I really enjoyed my return visit to the Cinque Terre last year, and will be going back again this fall. I took several day trips while there, and it was a perfect "home base" for exploring the area. Regarding how best to "split your time", you might consider 3 days in the C.T. and three days in Venice. You'll need to allow one day for travel between those locations, so that will use your 7 days. On where to stay in the C.T., you might find if very helpful to have a look at the Italy 2012 Guidebook which contains a good description of each of the towns, along with hotel and restaurant suggestions (and LOTS of other good information). I stayed in Monterosso last year, and want to return this year but it's proving to be a bit of a challenge to get a Hotel booking for five nights in September. As you're planning to be there in July (PEAK SEASON), I would highly recommend getting something booked SOON!!! Cheers!
In deciding how much time to spend in the CT versus Venice, it really depends on what you enjoy doing. Time in the CT is mostly spent either hiking between towns or just kind of wandering around or sitting and looking at the Mediterranean. Venice has TONS more to see and do (museums, churches, concerts) and of course, the beauty of the city itself. My motto: There is no one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to travel.