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Traveling in May 2022--Lufthansa made changes to our flight--questions

My sister and I are traveling in May (God willing) from Seattle to Posillipo/Naples--flying into Rome for an overnight first. Spending
6 days in Posillipo then on to the Amalfi Coast--Maoiri for six days. Again flying out of Rome to go home.
Things changed pretty quickly overnight and now I've got this email from Lufthansa:
"General entry conditions USA--
The USA has tightened its entry regulations. Effective immediately, we must transmit to the US authorities before your departure, the details of your country of residence and your first US address during your stay there: otherwise, entry will not be possible. For this reason, please add the relevant data online (APIS). This regulation does not apply to passengers with a permanent US residence permit.

Regulation for travelling without visa
Don’t forget to register online via ESTA, the Internet-based travel authorization system. It’s best to register right now at For further information, please go to"
1--do I need to go to the site mentioned --APIS--to enter relevant data to return to the US if I'm a citizen?
2--we don't have visas (I'm not sure what a Visa is compared to a passport--first time traveler here).
Do we need to register anyway on the esta site?

Thank you in advance.
Jody from Renton

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17603 posts

The APIS requirement is not new, but it has changed to include more contact information ( email address and phone for you and at least a phone # for a contact person you name), together with your first address in the USA (which is your house if you are returning home). This all has to do with covid-related requirements.

The airline is required to collect this information before you board the flight, but if you have trouble entering it online you can do it at the airport (allow extra time for that). You will not be able to check-in online until the form is complete.

As US citizens you do not need a visa or visa waiver/ESTA to fly back to the US! The form should recognize your US passport and not require it—-but I was unable to complete the form for a British Airways flight home from Milan when I answered “none” to the question about Green Cards and visas. It think it is a website glitch right now—-I have seen lots of complaints about the British Airways APIS form on FlyerTalk. Hopefully you won’t have the same issue with Lufthansa.

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12 posts

Lola, super helpful info to clarify things. Also...there was no URL in my Lufthansa email to go to enter info. APIS is a website, yes? And should we wait until a few weeks before travel to fill out info or do it now?

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4974 posts

This sounds pretty standard, we had to fill our similar paperwork when returning from France last week. They want to know who you are and where to find you. The contact info was also passed on to my county health dept. BTW, they sent me an email reminding me to test 3-5 days after my return and stay hidden if any symptons.

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17603 posts

Try “Manage My Booking” on the Lufthansa website.