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Traveling from Grosseto to Cinqueterre and back in one day

Is it possible to get from Grosseto to Cinqueterre, visit several towns and return to Grosseto in one day? Is a car needed or can we go by train and boat?

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2297 posts

This would make for a very looooong day. By car it's at least 2.5 hours each way, by train about 3 hours with the earliest arrival in Riomaggiore at 10 am, latest departure possible around 7 pm (if you want to be back to your hotel before midnight ...). So it is possible but is it advisable?

What makes Cinqueterre special is the opportunity to slow down and appreciate the beauty of the place. You could do it as a daytrip if coming from close by, say La Spezia or Levanto. But with 5-6 hours or more of the day eaten up by travel time this simply defeats the purpose imho.

I'm sure you can find lots of alternatives closer to Grosseto that will also allow you to experience the beautiful coastal sceneary AND slow down.

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2 posts

That is just the information I need. Thank you.