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Traveling by train from Interlaken to Cinque Terra--what is the best route?

We will be traveling by train in March from Interlaken to Cinque Terra and then down to Florence. What is the best route to travel? Through Milan and then Genoa? Any suggestions are welcome. Thank you. Happy Travels. Debra

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1358 posts

Go to the RR station in Interlaken and ask the clerk your question. There is no best route, but there may be choices.

When I look at a map I would guess that going through Milano is best. I dont remember going through Genoa.

I took that route; you take the express train to Monterossa where you switch to a local train which stops in each of the 5 villages in the CT National Park.

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30 posts

Thanks for your insight. I couldn't figure out from the maps what the correct route would be. As you suggest-- we may have to get to Switzerland before we make our decision. :)Debbie