Need some info from folks who have gone to Italy with the under-2 crowd. 1) Advanced reservations for museums like the Uffizi or Vatican - does the baby really need a ticket? The websites seem to indicate that they do. 2) When hotels say they have "baby cots" available, is that usually equivalent to a pack & play or something that is only for small infants like a bassinette? Thanks for your help.
It has been several years since we went to Italy with our 2 year old so can I not remember about tickets to the museums. We did take out 2 year old on the vatican tour though. They let us take the stroller on the tour (thankfully he slept the whole time, but we there are lots of stairs). We were not able to take the stroller in the cathedral though. I think every "baby cot" we have ever used in Europe has been a pack-n-play.
I doubt you'll get anyone that will make you pay for an infant. My daughter is 9 and has gotten half price/childs price but more often than not they let her go totally free.