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Travel requirements - please clear up my confusion!

I am flying from Newark to Rome on 7/23 and I can't seem to find clear answers on what I need. Can you give me input on the following:

  1. Vaccine card - I have my Vaccination card that I received from my county when they finished my second round. It says CDC in the upper right corner and has the dates and type of vaccine written. I sure hope this is the official paper?? Probably 3"x4". I had it laminated.
  2. Covid test - What kind of test do I have to get (PCR or Antigen)? And how many days prior (48 or 72)?
  3. Paperwork - I filled out the EU Digital Passenger Locator Form. Is this all I need? I also saw a Self Declaration Form. Is that also required? (by the way, I saw this form in about three or four different versions). So confusing!
  4. EU Green Pass - I read where we need to get an EU Green Pass, but I haven't found one single website where I can get it. Do I have to have this? If so, please tell me specifically how to get it.
  5. Misc. - Is there anything else I need to know??

I'm scared to death that I'm missing something or will not have the right info in hand when I get to the airport and into Italy, and United's website isn't much help at all. And when I call, I just get someone who has no idea whatsoever.



Posted by
267 posts

The NYT addressed this yesterday (June 28) with "A Country-by-Country Guide to Reopened Europe" with lists of requirements and suggestions of how to meet them. Get the latest from the Italian Embassy website rather than rely on hearsay.

Posted by
9436 posts

I agree with Schteffi, but I’ll tell you my son and 3 friends flew from Paris to Naples on 6/23 and all that was required was a negative Covid test (PCR or Antigen), their CDC card and the Passenger Locator Form.

Posted by
7545 posts

CDC vaccine card (you really shouldn’t have laminated but it will be fine)
This must be the actual card, not a photocopy

EU green pass is for EU citizens, you do not need
United website has the correct Passenger Locator form, it will be under your “Travel Ready” section requirements

Test for entry to Italy no longer required ( IF you are fully vaccinated)
You will have to test to return to USA, if you are returning from FCO you can get there or at a pharmacy in Italy
Antigen Rapid test within 48 hours preflight

All of this info is on the United site under your Travel Ready section

Posted by
8353 posts

A lot to unpack. First, there is no "EU" requirement regarding Covid. The EU countries come to a set of recommendations at a high level, then each Country implements requirements as it sees fit. You appear to be going to Italy, so Italy's rules apply. If you are connecting in another Country, then you may need to consider their requirements as well.

Vaccine Card: Official or not, that is all you have. So far, reports are that where proof of vaccination is needed, it suffices. Laminating is not needed, current guidance is not to laminate it for the purpose of adding boosters or other shots, but no harm has been done.

The current entry requirements for Italy can be found here:

It is the "Official" Italian site, there are likely a couple sites, but this one is updated regularly.

It does discuss the "Green Certificate" but does not really say how a non-resident goes about getting it. Reports are that the CDC card is sufficient on arrival, whether they issue or approve a digital version on arrival is less clear. If the CDC card is accepted, then no other testing, quarantine, or other proof is needed.

Another viable option is a negative test, either "Molecular or Antigen" taken within 48 Hours, not Days, before entering. Myself, I would get tested and have that in hand as a back-up.

Paperwork: The Passenger Locator Form you want is linked on the site above, again, there is no EU form, you want the Italian form.

Posted by
16757 posts

Take a deep breath. You will be fine.

As of today, all you need is your CDC card and a filled out form. Here is the form-- it may be the one you already filled out.

Americans can not get the EU green certificate at this moment. Your CDC card takes its place. You do not need a covid test to enter Italy if you are arriving from the U.S. (You will need to take a test to return to the U.S. )

That's it. Just remember, these rules can change at the drop of a hat so monitor the situation. This board is pretty good about noting changes to the rules.

Posted by
584 posts

I just returned from the US to the Netherlands, who has/had very strict entry rules. The Delta Airlines gate crew had no interest in my Rapid PCR rest or my Health certificate, but placed their Security stamp on my passport based on my NL Covid vaccination card. Which I happened to bring along even though nothing was mentioned on the official NL government website.
I don't know what Delta was doing about those that showed up without their vaccine card.
NL Immigration asked for nothing more than my passport. Maybe because it had the Security stamp on it? I was traveling under my Irish passport. I don't know if that made a difference. I didn't ask.
Yes, it's very confusing. It looks like you have all your bases covered.
I haven't done any traveling within the EU yet, so sorry, I have nothing to add.

Posted by
573 posts

Has other told, is much easier than you think if you ar fully vaccinated.
I give you another link of the Italian Tourism Minister (so, an official website) a little easier than the one of the Health Minister: . There are all the links to the different official webpage for the required forms.

The problem of the "Green pass" is that it's an experiment and starts tomorrow, so we don't know in the next days how many places will be ready to use it. Anyway... if you have the Passenger Locator Form and the CDC Certificate 99% is enough.

Posted by
5558 posts

I don't know what Delta was doing about those that showed up without
their vaccine card.

Many people in Europe have not yet been vaccinated, so that is why testing or recovery proof is also accepted.