I am renting a car and picking it up at the Hertz office in Orvieto Italy in Oct. Is it possible to obtain or purchase travel maps for Tuscany at the rental office or is there a better place to buy them? I've thought of buying in advance before I leave the States but that's just one more item to pack. Suggestions?
Hi Alice, We rented a car from Hertz Orvieto office in April. At that time there weren't maps available. However, we were able to buy one at the train station store. They had maps for Umbria, Tuscany and Italy. For planning purposes, you may want to get one before you leave home, but we had a GPS so had no problem driving to our next destination, Assisi. Buon vacanza, Sherry
Never count on a car rental office having a map.
Order the right size size Michelin map for the area you're traveling in from Amazon. It takes almost no room in your luggage and you can study it before you leave to understand the routes for where you want to go.
You will in all likelihood need or want a GPS. I've rented from Hertz in many European locations and have never seen them having touristic maps for selling in their offices. At most, they have some local map of the area showing how to get back.
I second the suggestion for a GPS. You should still have a map with you, as GPS's have been known to misdirect people from time to time. Plus, it is good to have a map for planning purposes.
Doug, What is the Right Size map? I looked on Amazon and there is a large selection. Is a Michelin map adequate? I hope to have a GPS if all goes as planned.
Michelin maps come in a variety of scale - the amount of area covered by an inch (or centimeter) of map. Their number 358 covers Tuscany. When I checked on Amazon, I was surprised by the cost and lack of availability. So I would wait and by one at the airport bookstore or a gas station when you get there.