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travel light???? how with a toddler??

Hi Again everyone,
My husband and i are definitely packing light for our 8 day trip to Italy Following RS packing list. AS for my baby who will be 22 mos then. How do we do it? Any tricks you guys can share? thanks in advance

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1501 posts

Hi, Carmen. I responded to your PM, but thought I'd expand a little more here. I've traveled with kids/babies/teens forever, being the wife of an airline pilot. The facts are, that while you can travel light for your husband and yourself, your toddler will need more changes of clothing and things than you and your husband will need, so bring it. If you need to check a bag, check one! "Back in the Day" when there were no charges for checked bags, I checked my and my husband's bag on a trip that required a two hour lay over and plane change. In the carry on I had a change of clothes for the little one, diapers, etc., and he threw up. On ME. I did not have a change of clothes for me, and had to do my best to wipe my blouse/skirt off and live with it! Bring what he needs.
You will be able to buy an inexpensive t-shirt for him, but over all, kids clothes are very expensive in Italy. I don't know how well he does with "different foods" but it's probably a good idea to stuff some familiar stuff in the bag as well as any OTC medicines that may be needed.

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403 posts

When my oldest was just about that age we spent three weeks in Europe with each adult carrying a backpack. They were the old backpack /convertible to a suitcase sort. My husband carried the larger one with my clothes and my son's. I carried the smaller pack with hubby's clothes. We did have to check them, but using backpacks kept our hands free, which makes traveling with a toddler MUCH easier. We took a very lightweight umbrella stroller for the kiddo. That was the trip we started the "train stations and airports" stroller rule. He was required to ride in the stroller in these places and we kept that rule for a long time. Much safer and calmer for everyone than a toddler running loose by the tracks! I can't imagine how to do it with only carryons.

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11513 posts

Carmen, I have travelled with , one, two, and finally three kids. We will start with first trip when my oldest was 9 months old. Easy. Just one large suitcase and a diaper bag. . husband had an over the shoulder carry . Then next kid comes, so then oldest was 2.5. yrs old and youngest was 6 months. One large suitcase and one smaller one( 22 inch) , plus I carry diaper bag and hubby had carryone shoulder bag. One child( baby) in stroller and older one walked, but sometimes we would put baby in front carrier ( snuggli) and let older child sit in stroller. When third child came her first trip was when she was 9 months old, and other two kids were 4 and 6. Both boys carried little backpacks with their toys, a clean shirt and pants, and some snacks. Daughter got stroller, boys walked. To be fair, we did not do multi destination holidays, we were not jumping trains and planes and changing hotels constantly.. Some people still enjoy that type of travel even with kids. We did not. We did easy stuff, Hawaii a couple of times, LA,Vegas, Lake Tahoe, and a few few cruises.. so we only had to handle one flight each way ( it is a LONG flight for us to Caribbean for cruise, took 5 hours east then another 5 south, ugh, did that once, then stuck to flights that were less 6 hrs.

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2349 posts

I'm sorry to be the one to tell you this, but you should know. Your vacations from now on will not be relaxing. You will often come back more tired and stressed than before you left. Trips with kids can be rewarding and fun, and important family time. But relaxing? Sorry, no. Just accept it now and you won't have the added disappointment to deal with. Also, your child will not remember any of this trip. Not a bit. And will resent you at age 14 for having gone when he/she was too young to remember. But then, 14 yr olds are prone to resentment. Those are my tips, such as they are. If your toddler has a favorite blanket or animal, find some way to attach it to stroller or child so it doesn't get lost. Nothing ruins a trip faster than a missing blanket. Let your child be as active as possible when they can. Like in airport terminals. I see parents trying to confine kids to their seats while waiting for the plane, but they should be moving about a lot. They'll be confined in the plane. Pack your sense of humor.