Hello travelers! We are taking the Sicily trip in the Fall, and since RS does not do a Sicily guidebook, we are looking for recommendations for the best one. All suggestions welcomed. Many thanks!
They’ll send you Lonely Planet before your trip, since the RS Sicily guid3 won’t be out til next year. Unfortunately, it’s in a totally different style than Rick’s books, and I didn’t find it too useful. On a more positive note, you’ll absolutely love this trip. Sicily has so much history and so much to see.
I don’t have a guide to recommend, but the “You, Me & Sicily” videos on YouTube would be a good substitution in my opinion.
I got a lot of info from this site - see link below
We found that the Rough Guide to Sicily, & DK Eyewitness Sicily Travel good resources. Also, helpful reading recommendations on the RS Sicily Tour link.
I recommend looking at the National Geographic Traveler: Sicily book. It has a nice synopsis and great pictures for many main cities and sites. We ended up taking a copy (from our library) on our trip this March. Of course we then used wifi for more information while we were on the road. I also recommend checking out the BBC Sicily Unbound series. I found it on Youtube.
If you are going on a Rick Steves tour, they will NOT send you a guidebook. But you can use part of your $100 allowance to get Lonely Planet Sicily which I found more than adequate when I took the tour last November. But I don’t like to drag books around so I downloaded the kindle edition. I’ve used Rough Guides and been happy with them. I’m not a fan of the DK Travel guides. I feel they cover many, many towns but really don’t go into enough detail about attractions and are lacking in regard to restaurant and lodging recommendations. Nice pictures and glossy pages though.
Not as convenient and you can’t carry it on the trip, but since you know where the RS tour goes, just do some internet searches on those cities, and things to see and do in them. Hopefully, if you do buy a guide book it will inspire you to travel the rest of the island at a later date.
Thanks to everyone for such good suggestions!
We got the lonely planet Sicily guidebook before our tour last October and we didn’t use it once. I did thumb through it, but didn’t find it useful. TripAdvisor was more helpful for each place that we needed it. But honestly, your guide will be able to point you to the best places to eat in the towns that you visit.
This is an incredible tour and you will love it!