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Travel from Venice to San Gimignano: Best Way?

We will be traveling from Venice to San Gimignano on Easter Sunday. What is the best way for us to get there? Train or car rental? We plan on renting a car once we get to Tuscany anyway. If we take the train, where is best place to pick up a car? We will travel on to Rome by train, so we will need to drop the car off as well.

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Many rental car locations are closed on Sundays, and I would anticpate a few more may be closed on Easter Sunday. You might consider this: pick up a rental car at Mestre on Saturday evening and park it near the train station. The rental car location should be able to recommend a lot. Trains between Venice Santa Lucia station and Mestre are inexpensive and frequent, even on Sundays. Drop off in Orvieto and take the train from there to Rome. Alternate plan: take the train to Florence and rent a car there for the drive to San Gimignano. You can check for rental car locations near the train station (and outside the ZTL), but airport pick-up may be your best bet on Easter Sunday. It's easy to drive from the Florence airport to San Gimignano. Plan to either take or rent a GPS with European maps.