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Travel from Siena to Florence

What is the best way to get from Siena to Florence? We have 2 options--we could take public transport or take our rental car. Our hotel is on the Via Fiorentina in Siena.Any ideas? We are going in May.

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320 posts

The SITA bus runs from Siena to Florence - they have a website. The last bus leaves Florence around 8:30 pm so that does not give you time to stay for dinner. I've driven in Florence - it is not that bad once you get used to being absolutely surrounded by vespas. There is a convenient parking garage by the Santa Maria Novella train station.

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58 posts

I took the Sita express bus r/t Florence to Siena last Sept. Bus ride was easy, mostly on freeway, A1 I believe. If you are taking luggage with you, know that stowage space is very limited beneath the bus, and inside, only room overhead the seat for small carryons - tote, small backpack. Because of this, when the bus arrived, there was a mad scramble to stow luggage. Some people had to wait for next bus because of this. Also, remember to validate your ticket. I did so on the bus but there are machines at the depot too.